Monday, October 23, 2006

Updating for the sake of updating

Now I'm not even updating 'cause there's new developments in my life that I wanna share with the world. I'm updating to please one person, possibly two people, that actually read this blog. I think I just lost like at lease 90% of my reader base due to the switch from Xanga to Blogger.

So...Green Tea Penna Cotta, I think that's what it was called, pardon the poor spelling. So delicious. Started watching Heroes yesterday, was actually quite the entertaining show =o)

Other than life is pretty chill right now, though I really should get crackin' on those med school secondaries, an interview is coming up REALLY soon and I don't think I'm even close to being 10% ready for that one. >.<;;

The weekend was nice, spending time with some old friends and some new. Getting to know a few people better. In all, nothing to complain about these days... except for my own lack of sleep and I can't blame anyone but myself for that one, haha...

Hopefully find something good to update about next time I update under pressure....and at work...


Anonymous said...

i think after this you will only have one reader

Howie C said...

two readers! =)