Each passing day
It seems that with each passing day, I grow a lil' older and a lil' wiser. Or maybe, it's not really getting wiser, but not getting more foolish. Perhaps I have gotten a lot more foolish and dumber over the years and not have known, because...you wouldn't really know if you've gotten more foolish, right?
But this past week, even the past month has opened my eyes up to who I am, who my friends are, where my place in the world is, even what I want in my life. Sometimes, it just takes that extra push over the edge, that smack upside in the head, even the kick in the butt to realize that it's all gone wrong and it's going to be bloody hell to fix it all.
Sure, life's got its troubles, people have their complaints, everyone's got their own set of problems. I'm fairly certain that my problems are the last things on the minds of people in developing countries. Hell, they're probably not even issues that people out here would even care about when their bills go unpaid, their dreams go unfulfilled, their lives in shambles. It's a slap in their faces.
For those of you that stuck around, thanks. For the rest of you that have moved on, best of luck on everything. For those of you that are kind of in between, let's catch up. And everyone else that I have yet to meet or yet to know better, I say cheers. For the future, let us all work for that.
bloggorific - kat
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